
Cooking Method: Roasting

Roasted Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potato fries are very much a whole food, just roasted like any other vegetable! Prepared this way, it's a fantastic starch side dish to a balanced meal. Keep it classic with sea salt and pepper, or have a little fun with the spice combination. Parchment paper is preferred to aluminum foil and lends itself to a crisper fry and minimizes our exposure to aluminum.

By Shelly Rose

Ginger, Garlic, and Lemon Roasted Chicken

Enjoy your classic roasted chicken with the best of your kitchen medicine cabinet: ginger, garlic, and lemon! In addition to savory and bright flavors, the spices boast anti-inflammatory and immune properties to nourish you through the colder months. Be sure to save the bones and make homemade chicken bone broth.

By Shelly Rose

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