Want to know how to make a nettle tea infusion? I’ve been sipping and adoring this deeply nutritive, mineral-rich herbal ally (Urtica dioica) for almost a decade now, with a special place for it in the spring.

I’m talking to you, my fellow allergy sufferers.

This wild weed has been used for hundreds of years, with medical and pharmacologic research finally beginning to catch up. Learning about it and reaping the benefits of this marvelous plant is our birthright. You can safely assume it’s top of my list for herbs that belong in most every home kitchen.


Here’s the simple recipe, a 1-min video how-to, with a quick summary of its benefits, and ways to enjoy it just below.


1 oz or 3/4 cup Organic, dried nettle leaf 

1 quart filtered water

Optional: 1 TBS dried mint or 3 TBS oat pods



Use a quart-size jar or coffee press. Add the herb(s) to the container and pour boiling water over it to fill the jar. Give it a little stir with a wooden spoon. Cover and allow to rest on the counter for a minimum of 5 hours or overnight.

Strain, squeeze out and compost the herb. Be sure to refrigerate the tea right away as it does spoil quickly. It’ll last 2-3 days in a sealed container in the refrigerator. You’ll know when it spoils by the smell so there would be no question! It’s serves nicely over ice, and not so much hot. I recommend drinking a quart every 2-3 days.

***If you have any concerns about consuming nettles in this quantity and frequency, please be sure to check with your physician first.***

Buying: I buy this herb in bulk by the pound. Here are a couple of quality sources I like: Mountain Rose Herbs (1st choice) and Frontier Co-op.


Okay, for those who want the why and what’s this good for… be prepared to be seriously impressed.

Susun Weed highlights it well –

Nettle builds energy from the inside out by nourishing the adrenals, which I think of as “energy central.” Nettle smoothly and persistently carries optimum nourishment to every cell in the body, and brings a smile to your face. Because the minerals in nettle infusion are polarized to the blood, they are literally magnetized into the blood stream without needing to be digested. Drinking a glass of cold nettle infusion pumps so much nourishment into the blood; you’ll feel invigorated in just a few days.

Regular use of stinging nettle (I drink 2-3 quarts a week) not only increases energy, it brings a shine and swing to the hair, strengthens fingernails, clears and firms skin, restores elasticity to blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, counters incontinence, improves digestion, reduces cancer risk, and strengthens the lungs.”


Finally, not only does Nettles boast a remarkably dense nutrition profile, think high in calcium, iron, protein, carotenoids, compared to other leafy greens, but it rebuilds and nourishes depleted soil. Why do I mention this? We need healthy soil in order to grow food for many years to come.

My research lovers, you can read a bit more about stinging nettles here:

Urtica spp.: Ordinary Plants with Extraordinary Properties and Phenolic Compounds Analysis of Root, Stalk, and Leaves of Nettle.

More on harvesting fresh nettles in a future post. For now, here’s one of the best and simplest ways to incorporate dried nettles into your life.