Vanilla Matcha Latte

By Shelly Rose  , , , , , ,

July 17, 2023

I love matcha's smoothness and clean energy (no jitters) and especially look to it when I need deep focus. Green tea is one of my daily rituals that I also recommend to my clients. A matcha latte is a fun and more indulgent way to change it up. This version offers the option to sweeten with dates, maple syrup, or honey and to include add-ins like collagen for additional protein and benefits or coconut oil for satiety, grounding, and it's brain-boosting benefits. Be sure to switch to decaf or mind your caffeine intake if you're sensitive to it.

Watch a quick video here.

  • Prep: 5 mins
  • Yields: 1 12 oz serving


1 tsp matcha powder

1/4 cup water

10 oz unsweetened non dairy milk of choice (oat, almond, coconut)

1-2 medjool dates, pitted OR maple syrup or honey to taste

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1 scoop unflavored collagen peptides or 1 TBS coconut oil (optional)


1Heat water for tea.

2Add matcha powder to a small bowl or mug and whisk with 1/4 cup hot water for 15-30 seconds to aerate. Set aside.

3If using dates, add drink to a high powered blender, combine all ingredients and blend for ~30-60 seconds. Strain if you do not want any bits of dates. If using honey or maple syrup, you can simply using a handheld frother or immersion blender and bland in the pot once it's removed from the heat.

4Pour the sweetened milk into your serving glass and pour matcha on top.


For iced matcha, just add ice to your glass before adding milk and tea.

For hot matcha, warm up the milk first and be careful opening the blender lid with hot liquid in there.


Nutrition Facts

Serving Size1